Electronics is inevitable part of our identity ...

- Power conversion and drive design
- DC to DC conversion
- Design in compliance with UL and relevant international standards
- Electro magnetic systems design

- Design of embedded microprocessor, microcontroller and DSP
- Altera, PAL, GAL, EPLD, FPGA, programmable logic and ASICs
- Design of systems for analog signals' acquisition and processing

- Design and implementation of Electrical Motor Drivers
- Design and implementation of Motion controllers and Trajectory planners

- Design and Implementation of DAQ systems for ultra high-speed signals
- reliable and accurate signal processing for sensitive and harsh environments
- Design and Implementation of advance controlling algorithms for state of art technologies

Medical Grade Electronics
Here in ALTALAB during years we've been doing electronics for different high and low power systems respecting the most updated standards and testing methods. Among our works, we have designed and implemented various kinds of projects from advanced DC-DC, AC-DC and DC-AC converters to extremely high power Inverters and switching systems. Within most of the projects, we started from scratch ending up in gaining all the requested standards like EMI, EMC, ESD as well as ISO standards for European Union and North American markets to provide our costumers a top notch and safe entry into their market with their new product in hands.
Highly Adaptive Designs
For every single Electronics involved projects, we firstly analyze the big picture and complete system, so we can have the whole path in front of us. In the next step, we will come up with details for each and every single part from simulations to prototyping and finally getting the end results. In all these processes we try to minimize the time and cost for our costumer's providing the best possible solutions which are highly efficient, reliable and competitive. We combine Power and Digital electronics based on our costumers' needs to achieve a complete and almost a perfect result.

Maximum Customizations
Being genuine has a cost! That's why whenever we can't find a product off the shelf we make our own. Especially in advanced and highly demanding Industries which not so many companies had entered before you need to be ready to make everything if they don't exist, and that's what we do! In ALTALAB. We provide our costumers whenever necessary the customized electronic components like power inductors, power transformers, flybacks and so on with the most updated and optimized methods, so we can overcome the obstacles in designs and the future products.
Moving On The Cutting Edge of Technologies ...
We commit ourselves to provide our customers the latest technologies achievable. We keep ourselves right on the cutting edge of technologies to be able to adapt fastly and efficiently to our costumers' needs and future plans. On the very first steps of developments which will be dedicated to simulation and analysis of the projects, we go on through various things like Thermal dimensioning, Finite Element Analysis, Magnetic circuit analysis, future standards requirements, environmental considerations, and the list goes on. The whole purpose of all this is to pave the path for our customers during the project developments leading to a successful selling by having a strong product.