We empower our hardwares with our softwares ...

Embedded applications
- Embedded SW design for microprocessor, microcontroller and DSP
- Design and application of scheduler and simulators for instrument process
- Embedded real-time systems

Windows/Linux/IOS based applications
- Instrument drivers
- GUI (Graphical user interfaces)
- Image and signal processing
- Manufacturing line automation software
- Web-based applications

Hardware Test Bench
- Design and Manufacturing of hardware test benches
- Functionality check of mass produced hardwares
- Hardware reliablity testings

Process Control and Reliabilty check
-Process Control of industrial productions
- Reliability check and Condition monitoring of productions
- Software developements for Critical and high risk environments

Ultimate Reliability Provided
The very last part of making a product has the most crucial role, that's why here in ALTALAB we go up to the very end to make sure nothing goes out of control. Depending on our customers' demands we provide them with different types of Test benches for testing their mass-produced products right after production to reach 100% of correctness and reliability when they reach to the end users.
Empowering Hardware with Software
Alan Kay one of the pioneers of the object-oriented programming once said: "People who are really serious about software should make their own hardware", which is exactly what is our ultimate intention in ALTALAB to empower and facilitate our hardware with the best software and vice versa. We simply develop all the necessary and required features in our software to meet all the needs of our customers. We have been dealing for years with Image suites, Image processing and analysis software for our customers from the medical industry. we always try to utilize the most updated and advanced methods for software developments to be able to catch up with fastly and vastly growing markets in this section.